Monday, January 15, 2007

it's cold outside, and that makes work dull.

i'm fairly certain that my stomach hates me.

my tivo is just about running. yay.

class starts tomorrow. weird.

i need to start working out. really. i mean it this time.

my car door was frozen shut again this morning. good times.

i bought school supplies today. again, weird.

i think after graduation i may move far away.

why? because i wanna.

to do what? who knows.

maybe seattle. just so i can work in a coffee shop and play in the rain.

my hands are always cold.

stephanie's puppy likes me too much. truly.

i crave community today.

it's cold inside too.

have a blessed day.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007


i have so many things to write, but so little time [or energy] to do so. but the gist of all of it is this.

i don't know if i'm brave enough to be [or even attempt to be] the person i could, should, or want to be.
