Friday, June 29, 2007

perspective: lost and found.

well, there is just nothing like an evening with cca to give me a little perspective. first of all, i miss those people and those times so much! second of all, just getting the opportunity to spend time in a place where you just felt God's hand so present is amazing. you start to forget what that feels like sometimes. the altar was so crowded that the old staffers that were there had to go up to help counsel, and sometimes there is nothing like helping someone else draw nearer to God to help you do so. last night gave me perspective on why i do [or don't do] certain things, and why i am the way i am. there is a purpose for all of that, and there are times when i lose sight of that fact and get all caught up in other things. my determination had started to fade, but now i think i regained a little momentum. thanks.

it was so great to see everybody, and i miss them like crazy even more now! i thought it would help the withdrawal, but i think it just made it worse. i'm just pray that next summer i will get to spend my time doing what i love most! have a terrific summer, friends!


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