Monday, March 24, 2008

scattered thoughts.

oh, today. it's been a weird kind of emotional day.

i'm just tired. not in a physical sense, but just plain tired.

weary is the word.

constantly feeling as though i need to defend myself and my decisions.

i'm even defending them to myself sometimes.

feeling separated. likely self-induced at least in part.

ready to leave commerce, and not ready to leave commerce.

not sure if i can take the heartbreak of it again.

thus bringing the self-induced separation.

gotta love defense mechanisms.

choosing paths.

uncertainty and judgment all around.

i guess today it all just hit me at once.

and yesterday was such a good day too.

i suppose my bottle-it-up approach doesn't always work the way it's intended to. haha.

right now i'm gonna try the "be still and know that I am God" approach.

that one never fails.

i'm free of all of this. now i should just live like it.

here's to a better day!


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