Saturday, June 14, 2008

summer update.

hello, my dears.

i suppose it's been quite a long time, but since graduation i have been quite a busy bee working one place after the other.

i am crazy excited about all that God has done this summer so far. i can just see Him working in my life and the lives of so many people around me, and i can't wait to see where He's going to take us and how He's going to use us this summer in CCA and just other people i know.

i've been in NC for 2 weeks now, and i have learned so much. mostly, God has shown me that He hears my prayers and He answers them. i can't begin to list all the answered prayers i've seen in that short time, but to Him be the glory for all of those things.

it's been kind of hard since i've kind of had to relearn all of those cheerleading things that i haven't done in years, but the best thing is that i feel like there are some areas where i am almost better than i was at my best. it's exciting to get to be a part of things that i didn't get to before. cca has been such a blessing in my life, and even though it takes me away from my loved ones (who i miss so much) i know it's all for a great purpose.

i feel ready and scared this time around. i'm also more homesick too. i guess it's just because last time i had so much that i was running away from, but that's not the case now. our them is "completely," the importance of loving God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. and i am finally learning to give up those things that i hold on to so much. this morning i had a nice little quiet, cry time with God and just gave it to Him. and i can't tell you how much peace i have felt since then.

so that's really the basic summary of everything so far. please keep me and all of the staff here in your prayers. we leave for florida tomorrow (sunday morning) and start our first camp on tuesday. then i come back to NC for about a day and leave for costa rica for our first cheerleading mission trip with cca.

thanks for all of your prayers so far! have a great day/week/summer!
